Liminal Spirits, Deities and Folk Saints

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Saint Cyprian

St. Cyprian

Fusion of two existing saints, initiate of Gods and Demons alike, patron saint of sorcerers and necromancers - the list is endless. Here he is portrayed as the bishop he became, with the croisier that is the hallmark of the Black School of St. Cyprian as conceived by Jason Miller and Aidan Wachter.


St. Expedite

His appearance is that of a Roman Centurion bearing a cross in his right hand with the word “Hodie (Today)” engraved on it, and crushing a crow beneath his foot (The cawing of the crow resembles the word “Cras”, meaning “Tomorrow”). St. Expedite is the patron saint of Fast resolutions, putting an end to procrastination and speeding up things, including getting money or a job quickly.

Saint Justina

St. Justina

Saint Justina is the spiritual powerhouse that works through faith, love and compassion; she reputedly withstood all magic of St. Cyprian, resulting in him “converting” to Christianity. Both Saint Justina and Saint Cyprian are considered as extremely powerful.


St. Expedite

Papa Legba

Papa Legba

The go-to spirit to open the Way… The first and last to make offerings to, bringing you and your requests to the spirit world. He has been adopted by the Hoodoo community and has St. Peter, the keeper of the keys of heaven as his Christian counterpart.


Queen of the Crossroads (HEKATE)

IO HEKATE , Queen of the Cossroads, Titan and Goddess : Klêidouchos, Chthonia, Nocticula, Perses, Asteria !


Hekate and Hermes

Hekate and Hermes

Both Hermes and Hekate are liminal deities, spanning worlds and taking extraordinary places in the hierarchies of beings. Sometimes they are linked as a twin energy of twilight magic. Hermes has a chthonic aspect, being a deity with earthly and underworld associations. Hekate is a Titanide, daughter of two Titans, that kept her reign over upper- and netherworlds.


This is most probably THE God of the Internet, related to communication, messages, speed and trickery ! His famous caduceus wand (kerykeion) was Apollo's gift, which didn't keep Mercurius from playing tricks on Apollo. The caduceus wand could awake people or put them to sleep...He has a very similar identity to that of Hermes. Shrewd and cunning, subtle, intellectual, patron of all travellers and merchants.